Seattle and Puget Sound, used with a creative commons license.

Policies set this year, in a plan called VISION 2050, will shape our lives for decades.

In 30 years, will Puget Sound have cleaner air and water? Will it be easier or harder to travel? Will people have convenient and affordable places to live near great jobs? Will we be healthier or worse off? Though some outcomes are hard to predict, we have the opportunity right now to set regional policies that will influence the climate, health and livability of King, Kitsap, Snohomish and Pierce Counties for ourselves and future generations.

Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) is a body that brings elected officials from the Puget Sound region together to draft and adopt these policies in a plan called VISION 2050. If done right, VISION 2050 will put us on the right track. Here’s what we want to see:

Puget Sound Regional Council  is holding a public hearing on Vision 2050 tomorrow September 5 at 10 am – 12 pm.
Here are ways to get involved:
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