Transit for All
Transit Rider Tools
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Policy & Programs
Building healthy and connected communities.
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Resilience + Recovery Fund
The last few years have been extraordinarily challenging for communities across Washington. We have lost loved ones and neighbors, we’ve lost jobs and businesses. Now as we look ahead to what rebuilding looks like, we know that a just recovery will take transit.
Mobility Justice is Racial Justice
Letter From Our Director and Board President
TCC’s call to action has never been more clear — be relentless in ensuring that transit continues to be a force for good, that despite all the challenges ahead our agencies can continue to deliver excellent service to the people who depend on transit, and that we use our voices and our actions to further a world where systemic racism doesn’t predetermine how far people can go.
Join Us at an Upcoming Event
Learn more about our work to bring safe, sustainable, and equitable transportation options to all Washingtonians. Join us for a Transit Talk or other upcoming event.
Transportation Choices Coalition is a statewide policy and advocacy nonprofit dedicated to bringing Washingtonians more and better transportation choices. When our transportation system works for everyone, we all thrive.
How We Work
We advocate for policies and funding, and provide education that support more transit, bike, and pedestrian improvements at the state, regional, and local levels. We recognize that transportation is a pathway to opportunity — connecting communities and people to a full and vibrant life.
Policy Research + Development
We do research and collaborate with organizational partners, policy experts, and elected leaders to develop and support progressive, intersectional, and community-driven policies. Our policies prioritize healthy transportation investments in areas that need it most; encourage walkable and affordable transit-oriented communities; normalize the use of race and social equity analyses in policy and process development, and build power in historically disenfranchised populations.
To achieve our policy goals, we focus on building coalitions across sectors. We collaborate to leverage our collective power and resources to find solutions within agency policy, through legislative bodies, and at the ballot box.
Education + Engagement
We foster relationships with our coalition and communities to reach a shared understanding, develop goals, and identify policy that support equitable transportation options for all. By taking our policy work to the people and connecting them to opportunity we give transit supporters and riders the tools to advocate for their communities, encourage further policy work, and continue to engage and elevate transportation issues.
In the last decade we have…
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Help us double our impact in the next decade.
Your Weekly Guide to the 2025 Legislative Session
We’ll share an update early each week to highlight what’s happening in the Legislative Session, including the status of bills we’re tracking and ways to take action.
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