The opening of University Link next year will transform the way people in this city and our region get around.

A nine-minute trip from UW to Downtown, seven days a week, is going to radically change the way people who live, work, and visit here think about and use public transit. UW, Capitol Hill and Downtown are three of the largest transit markets and economic centers in the State. Doing everything we can as a community to capitalize on the opening of this region-altering investment is in the best interest of major employers, transit agencies, and transit riders alike.

To reflect the availability of this new light rail service, King County Metro is proposing a bus service restructure. The proposal aligns with agency goals such as system integration with light rail and performance-based planning, and, better yet, it will provide fast and frequent service to thousands of existing and new riders.

Removing service that duplicates U-link light rail service will allow the agency to provide more and better bus service across Central and North Seattle while facilitating faster transit trips throughout the city and the region. Splitting the 48 into two routes is one example of many in this proposal that, using restructuring savings, will bring more reliable and frequent bus service to riders. No major bus restructure is perfect, but as a whole this proposal will greatly improve transit service for our region.

The King County Council now needs to hear from you! Join us on Tuesday, October 6th to testify in favor of the U-Link restructure. RSVP here and let us know you will be joining us.

For additional information check these out:

Excellent summary of the restructure by Seattle Transit Blog

Details of the proposal from Metro

Wonk out with maps and stats from King County Council

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