Exciting news from our member agency Link Transit in central Washington! Link paused collecting fares during the pandemic. Now, they recently announced that starting July 1 Link will stay a fare-free system for at least the next year!
The conversation about going fare-free (or as Intercity Transit calls it, “pre-paid fare”, to recognize that fares are paid for in other ways) started before the pandemic began. It’s a topic worth continuing to discuss as we look ahead to economic recovery. Transit agencies across the country are discussing free or reduced-fare transit and its role in both accessibility and equity. There are now four pre-paid fare systems in Washington: Island Transit, Mason County Transit, Intercity Transit, and now Link Transit.
TCC worked with communities in both Thurston Co (home of Intercity Transit) as well as Chelan and Grant Counties (home of Link Transit) to provide technical and material support on transit funding ballot measures in recent years. Link Transit and Intercity Transit have both said those ballot measures helped create the financial ability needed to go fare-free.
We are incredibly proud to have played a part in making it easier and more affordable for the people who ride Link Transit to get where they need to go. We look forward to taking some fare-free rides later this year!
Ride Transit Month starts June 1!
Join the celebration of all things transit across Washington State.