Picking up your children from daycare, delivering goods to the market, getting to school or work, we all deserve the opportunity to get where we need to go safely and affordably.  Our transportation system should provide opportunity not expenses, headaches, and danger. Washington only works when we all have an opportunity to get where we need to go.


Authorize a diverse menu of local and regional revenue options for transit and local governments- transit requires a menu of local options for transit investments that are less regressive and volatile.

Pass a balanced biennial transportation budget that meets the following principles-

  • Increase state investment in transit, bicycle and pedestrian uses, including the state’s Complete Streets grant program.
  • Ensure investments in road projects are based on sound financial and project plans.
  • Keep tolling revenue flexible for use on the movement of people and goods.

Support a revenue package that meets the principles of Transportation for Washington:

  • Fix it First.
  • More transit to reduce congestion, improve freight mobility, decrease pollution, connect people to jobs, connect our rural communities, and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to get where they need to go.
  • Build great, healthy communities; an efficient transportation system supports both affordable and healthy neighborhoods.



Transportation Goal of Public Health – Adds health to Washington transportation goals to integrate health in transportation policy, planning and investments, in order to reduce chronic diseases, reduce motor-vehicle-related injury and deaths, and ensuring transportation access for all people.

Neighborhood Safe Speeds Bill- Provides cities and counties the authority to establish 20 mph zones on some non-arterial streets to lower accident rates and protect vulnerable users.



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