Did you know that wheelchair users are 33 percent more likely to be killed by drivers than other pedestrians? Our streets should be designed for people first, which is why we’re joining Rooted in Rights to support House Bill 1793 to keep people safe and traffic moving. HB 1793 allows cities to use automated enforcement to keep bus lanes clear for buses, crosswalks clear for people, and ensure traffic can flow through intersections.

Improves safety
  • Clear crosswalks give people space to safely cross the street and clear visibility of pedestrian signals.
    Keeping crosswalks clear provides critical access to curb cuts for people with disabilities.
  • When crosswalks are blocked, people walking or using mobility devices are forced to navigate around cars, often into moving traffic lanes.
  • Wheelchair users are 33% more likely to be killed by drivers than other pedestrians.
  • When drivers block intersections, it makes the streets more dangerous for everyone.
Ensures bus lanes are used for buses
  • Dedicated bus lanes keep people moving, and encourage transit use.
  • Bus lanes are a critical piece of our transit system, but they are only reliable and efficient if used properly.
  • Violators entering and exiting designated bus lanes create unpredictable and dangerous situations.
Keeps all traffic moving
  • Clear intersections allow all traffic to keep moving, whether you are in a car, bus or delivery truck, or walking or riding a bike.
  • Blocking intersections delays emergency vehicles and increases traffic congestion.

When drivers block the box, it makes the streets more dangerous for everyone. Support House Bill 1793.

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