For over a year, TCC has been filling in the advocacy gaps that emerged from the pandemic. We stepped up to support transit agencies, riders, and operators in a time of uncertainty. As the need to constantly react winds down, we are keeping our eyes to the future.

The work we took on and the lessons we learned during the pandemic needs to continue into recovery and beyond. A just recovery will take transit and your support will get us there.


TCC pivoted, adapted, and took on new scopes of local and federal work. These gathering spaces showed us what resilient TCC and transit advocacy looks like.


WATA Weekly Call

The Washington Transportation Advocates call began soon after the stay home, stay healthy order of 2020 to bring agencies and transit advocates together to discuss emerging issues facing our transit systems.

Ride Transit Month

After pivoting to an online format and changing to I <3 Transit Fest in 2020, Ride Transit Month is back in 2021, supporting riders and celebrating transit!

COVID-19 Resources and Information

When it felt like all we had were questions, TCC responded by hosting a Transit Talk in April of 2020 about Transit and COVID-19, we created a resources list for related transit news, and later co-hosted a webinar about impacts to our transit system.


TCC, like many organizations and transit agencies, is recovering from the pandemic. We are off to a good start and your support will sustain the momentum.

COVID Recovery: Transportation Framework

In response to the global COVID pandemic, TCC developed a just recovery framework for transportation in Washington State to help ensure COVID recovery policy decisions center equity, prioritize transit, and fill funding gaps.


TCC is Growing

We need more trusted transit advocates. TCC is hiring three new staff members and recently promoted former Advocacy Director, Kelsey Mesher, to a Deputy Director role to ensure we have the advocacy power we need for Washington’s recovery.

Looking Ahead

TCC continues to support transit through advocating for sustainable funding sources and pushing for a comprehensive transportation package for Washington State. 

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